At first glance, Beachbody On Demand’s INSANITY and INSANITY MAX:30 look strikingly similar.

They’re each the brainchild of Beachbody Super Trainer Shaun T, the workouts are rooted in high-intensity interval training (HIIT), both last 60 days and require no equipment, both will push the limits of your endurance and test your grit, and they’ll both elevate you to an elite level of fitness.

But make no mistake: INSANITY MAX:30 is not INSANITY 2.0.

They’re entirely different programs that take different approaches to help you get in the best shape of your life.

What Are the Key Differences Between INSANITY and INSANITY MAX:30?

Whether you do INSANITY or INSANITY MAX:30, you are going to lose weight.

You are going to build strength and stamina. And you are going to become fitter, leaner, and more defined in just two months.

Indeed, you’ll develop a whole new appreciation for your mirror, because you’re going to love the way you look.

But understanding their key differences will help you decide which one is right for you.

Perhaps the biggest difference between the two programs is the length of their workouts.

With INSANITY, you can expect to sweat for between 40 and 60 minutes on most days of the week — longer on days that include an additional core workout.

With INSANITY MAX:30 you’ll be done in 30 minutes every time (unless you follow The Ab Maximizer Workout Calendar, which occasionally throws in an additional 10 to 15-minute core workout).

Does that mean that INSANITY MAX:30 workouts are easier? By no means.

In fact, you can think of an INSANITY MAX:30 workout as condensing the intensity of a typical INSANITY workout into half the time.

That can make them even more challenging. And with 150 new moves and a greater emphasis on strength building, INSANITY MAX:30 workouts are anything but typical INSANITY workouts.

Shaun T also introduces the concept of “Maxing Out” in INSANITY MAX:30 (hence the name).

What that means is that you go as hard as you can for as long as you can — until your body gives you no choice but to stop to catch your breath and ease the burning sensation in your muscles.

That point is your “Max Out” time, and you’ll record it for every workout, so you have a benchmark to beat during your next one.

Maxing Out does not mark the end of the workout. It’s simply the point at which you have to take your first break.

You might have to take more than one by the time you finish the workout, and that’s OK. Everyone Maxes Out (even Shaun T!), so don’t try to be a hero.

When you feel your muscles burning, your lungs heaving, and your form begin to break down, grab some water and take a breather. If you don’t Max Out, you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough.

If you find any of the primary moves in INSANITY MAX:30 too difficult or the workouts to challenging to complete, you have the option of following the modifier, which is the member of the cast that demonstrates slightly easier versions of each exercise.

You’ll also have two rest days per week instead of one (as you get with INSANITY) to help your body recover. INSANITY and INSANITY MAX:30 take slightly different tacks when it comes to nutrition as well.

Both include eating plans that will help you dial in your diet to optimize weight loss and fitness gains, but INSANITY MAX:30 makes it easier than ever by utilizing Beachbody’s unique portion control container system.

The seven color-coded containers correspond to different food and macronutrient groups. Simply eat the amount of food allotted by the prescribed number of containers each day to maximize your workout performance and total body transformation.

Which Program Should I Do?

INSANITY was designed to elevate people who are in excellent shape to truly elite levels of power and endurance.

There are no modifiers, and Shaun T has no mercy, so if you don’t consider yourself “advanced” when it comes to exercise, do one of our other programs first.

Doing FOCUS T25 is a highly effective way to prepare for INSANITY.

INSANITY MAX:30 is a natural next step once you complete INSANITY — or if you’re already in great shape and are looking for a challenging program with workouts that last no longer than 30 minutes.

But the inclusion of modifiers also makes this program doable for people who aren’t quite fit enough to tackle INSANITY. As a result, it’s amenable to a wider range of fitness levels.

Either way, if you’re looking to boost your aerobic capacity, build cardiorespiratory fitness, shed fat, and start turning more heads even when fully clothed, these programs will do you right.

But if your goal is to pack on muscle and stretch the limits of your shirtsleeves, then you might want to consider doing a program with a greater emphasis on strength training, such as P90X, LIIFT4, or The Master’s Hammer and Chisel.

How Long Until I See Results With INSANITY and INSANITY MAX:30?

No matter which program you choose, you’ll likely start seeing results within a couple of weeks.

Initially, those results will come in the form of greater workout performance and capacity. In other words, you’ll find that you can exercise harder, longer, and more effectively (in terms of maintaining good form) within seven to 14 days.

Stepping on the scale might also reveal a bit of weight loss during the first week or two, but results you can see in the mirror usually begin to occur around week three.

Your pants will fit looser. Your shirts will seem baggier. And you’ll begin to notice greater definition and less jiggle in areas such as your arms, chest, abs, butt, and legs.

Keep in mind that neither program is intended for beginners or people who have a lot of weight to lose.

If you’re overweight or obese, performing plyometrics and/or HIIT might be too much for your body — especially your joints — to handle.

If you are just starting your fitness journey, or if you’re more than 20 pounds from your ideal weight, prepare for the intensity of INSANITY and INSANITY MAX:30 by completing one of our beginner and/or intermediate programs first.


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